At the end of 2019, Insights Care, a digital and print publication for the healthcare industry, recognized Behavior Imaging as one of the Most Promising Telehealth Solution Providers of the year. In the magazine feature about the award, Insights Care wrote about the importance of increasing patient access to the care of expert clinicians, especially for patients in underserved areas.

Behavior Imaging’s remote behavioral assessments live on HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based platform. The technology is an example of asynchronous telemedicine. While synchronous telemedicine is the delivery of health information in real-time, asynchronous telemedicine creates more flexibility around the timing of care.

“Asynchronous telemedicine refers to the ‘store-and-forward’ technique, whereas a patient or physician collects medical history, images, and pathology reports and then sends it to a specialist physician for diagnostic and treatment expertise.”
– Oren J. Mechanic and Alexa B. Kimball

Behavior Imaging was recognized alongside other telehealth innovators including TeleDentists and General Devices, a telehealth service connecting EMS and hospitals. The leadership team at Behavior Imaging is honored to be named among other companies that increase access to care through telehealth.

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