For Parents

Empowering families with telehealth autism assessments. 

  1. Complete an online developmental background form and assessment
  2. Upload prescribed videos of your child 
  3. Consult virtually with our expert clinician

For Parents

Telehealth Autism Assessments

In-person clinical wait times can be up to 2 years to see a professional for an autism assessment. This delays clinical plans for treatment and positive clinical outcomes. Early intervention is a proven method to get the help your child deserves and a diagnostic report will assist with services and school IEP’s. You do not have to wait, NODA is here for telehealth autism assessments.

Three Step Process

Step 1

Complete an online developmental background form and Vineland adaptive behavior assessment.

Step 2

Upload up to 4 prescribed videos of your child.

Step 3

Consult virtually with our expert clinician after they have analyzed your child’s data.

Receiving Accurate Diagnosis, Moving Forward with Confidence

Families will receive a diagnosis report from a licensed clinician from their State Which will assist with the following: